
This blog is a way for me to communicate with my customers and other flute makers and players.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

As part of getting my new web site set up I finally got on here to check out my blog, it had been so long that I had to have reminders sent to me to get it started again. LOL I have had a rough last year and a half or so. Your plans for the future can end faster than you could ever believe but I'm starting to pull myself back up and trying to learn how to live without my best friend and wife of thirty years. Starting at the end of last year I got back to making flutes after taking a year off to heal from the loss. I'm not fully healed and not sure if that is even possible but I can now work as safe as ever in the shop, maybe safer since I have returned to my meditation practice that keeps me better focused. I use my time at the power equipment especially to meditate on what I'm doing, in other words being in the moment with full concentration on my breath and fingers! The last year or so has shown me that I need to adjust how I market myself and the flutes I make, the economy is making going to flute festivals that are over a thousand miles away more difficult; so only certain ones will I be attending in the next year, I will try to keep Musical Echoes as one and the Sunwatch flute festival in Dayton even though it is over a thousand miles from Dallas but I also have friends in Southern Illinois that I can visit both coming and going. It would be nice if the economy would improve so I could make the ones that are further out, like Melbourne, Yosemite and Zion. That is why I'm building up the web site and plan on doing some Ebay sales as well, after all that is how I got started in the first place. I prefer to be able to have people try out the flutes before buying but that isn't always going to be possible, but if you have a flute circle that is within a days drive and if it is a long days drive, if you can give me a place to sleep over without hotel expenses then I would love to be able to come and show and sell some flutes. Just a thought that I'm throwing out to the universe and we will see if I can make more of the circles outside of Texas when possible. I already visit; when possible, most of them in Texas. There is a new one way south of Houston on the coast that would be great to visit but that is a day drive there and back so that one will happen once I get invited for a special show. Okay I have rambled enough, it is going to be an interesting year and I hope to see some of you on the trail.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hi everyone, We finally got back from the Zion Canyon flute and art festival. It was a wonderful time, the music was great and the surroundings were breath taking. I don't think there could be a more beautiful location for a flute festival. The only problem we had was with the wind, one artist lost his tent when the wind picked up and blew his over or in and then out. We had to hang on to ours for a while but other than that it was fantastic. My booth was next to Michael Allen's or Coyote Oldman's so I had the pleasure to get to know him and Mary Ann better. Of course the high light for me was winning third place in the flute makers contest. Here are some pictures of my entry. It is a D# made from Cherry with a black walnut and Hard maple flying Eagle; the hand piece is also a carved Eagles head out of Hard Maple. I'm honored to win third place considering all the excellent flute makers that had entered the contest.
Enjoy the Journey,Larry

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Getting ready for a show.

Hi everyone,
I wanted to let you all know that I'm getting ready for my first show at Zion Canyon (Utah) Art and Flute Festival and will not be able to get many if any flutes on Ebay untill after the show. I'm really excited about this because it gives me a chance to get out and visit with some of the wonderful people that play this fantastic instrument. I have a lot of flutes to get made by then and I have some new ideas for them so I hope to have a great showing. Plus this gives me a chance to meet with my fellow flute makers and exchange ideas. Michael Allen ( Coyote Oldman) is a great person as well as the top flute maker and is always willing to pass on his wisdom. Looking forward to visiting with him and Raymond Red Feather, who looks like he could be related to me. LOL Anyway I didn't want any one to think that I was not making flutes and after the festival I will be back to Ebay.
Enjoy the Journey,

Thursday, August 04, 2005

This is a Black Walnut Walking stick "Em" Flute The flying hawk is carved from Lyptus and Black Walnut. The weeping heart is inlaid mother of peril and turquoise inlaid around the blow hole. The decorative band is turquoise and red agate.

These are pictures of a high D flute I made for my grandson. The Dolphin just jumped out of the wood for me, this was my first attempt at carving a dolphin but it won't be the last. The flute is made from (Aromatic) Eastern Cedar and the Dolphin is carved from Appalachian Cherry.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Slowed down but not stopped

Hi everyone,
This last week or so I have had my back go out on me so it has slowed me down but I'm still working on flutes. Especially the custom flute for a young lady and a birthday flute for my grandson. I have also been able to get one on eBay. Luckily I have a lot of blanks to work with, which means I don't have to stand at the router table to get started on a flute. I'm sure this is only a temporary set back and if anyone has had any experience with an inversion table please email me and let me know how that went for you. In the mean time,
Keep enjoying the Journey,

Monday, July 18, 2005

My lattest flute is a black walnut F with a hawk totem.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm Larry Evans of Mockingbird Flutes of Texas. I started my journey into flute making when I had the good fortune to be listening to Art Running Bear playing his Native American Flute the day before my oldest Daughters wedding that he was conducting the ceremony for. He was good enough to let me play one of his flutes and from that moment, the journey started. I make flutes full time and have since I started. I spend my days working on my flutes or in meditation to center myself prior to making any flutes. To me making flutes is a part of my spiritual journey, I have studied Tibetan Buddhism, and being Irish I have also studied the Celtic teachings of the mother Goddess. The Native American flute is just another piece of the puzzle. The meditation, working with Nature and the calming music of the flute are all part of my personal Journey. Making flutes is also calming and yet teaches me every day about making this special instrument for other people too experience the piece and beauty of the music. I work on making the best sounding flute possible, along with pleasing to play and to the eye. I want others to find the happiness in their music as much as I do.

Welcome to Mockingbird Flutes

Thanks for dropping by.
I appreciate any feed back about my flutes.
If you have a favorite totem that you would like me to carve and put on a flute for eBay then let me know. You can ask questions or just stop in and chat.
I'm in the process of making a black walnut F flute with the mountain lion totem, if things go well I want to ebonize the flute and the carving to make it a black panther totem. I'm testing a vinegar and steel wool application that should make the black walnut blacker. I try to stay with all natural methods and non toxic finishes. I will try to keep this updated so as any one dropping in can find out what I'm working on.
Enjoy the Journey,